System Instrumentation & Control System Equipment

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To Be The Best Engineering Solution Provider in Oil & Gas and Petrochemical Industry Services.



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2. Provide accurate and reliable services to customers.

3. Applying high work standards.

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We are sole agent of Isoil Impianti S.P.A and O.M.C Italy for Indonesian Territory.


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Our Product List

List Product PT. Deka Teknik Cipta Persada.


P. D. Meters


Electronic Counter




Grounding Systems


Additive Injection


Master Meter & Proving Tanks


Automation System


Large Digit Ex Display




Pulse Emitters


SBR Badge Reader


Loading Arms


Swivel Joints


Valves and Couplings

Experience List

PT. Deka Teknik Cipta Persada Experience List

No Product Project Name End User Description Year
1 ISOIL Pertamina LPG BIMA PT. Yokogawa Indonesia Batch Control Unit VEGA 3 & DCV for Pertamina LPG BIMA
2 ISOIL Pertamina LPG Kupang PT. Yokogawa Indonesia Batch Control Unit VEGA 3 & DCV for Pertamina LPG Kupang
3 ISOIL ISOIL PD Meter 3 Inch Digita Pertamina Makassar (PT. KPLU) TBBM Gorontalo 2, DDPU Samratulangi IT Bitung
4 ISOIL ISOL PD Meter 4 Inch Digital Pertamina Balikpapan (PT. KPLU) PD Meter 4 inch for Pertamina IT Tarakan
5 ISOIL Repalcement PD Meter existing (AH) with ISOIL PD Meter PT. Permata Hijau Group ISOIL PD Meter 3 inch type Digital
6 ISOIL ISOIL PD Meter di TBBM Pare pare Pertamina MOR VII Makassar ISOIL PD Meter 3 inch
7 ISOIL ISOIL PD Meter for Pengadaan dan pemasangan meter arus MFO di TBBM Tanjung Uban Pertamina MOR I Medan PD Meter 6 inch
8 ISOIL ISOIL Batch Control Unit for Pertamina LPG Balongan Pertamina LPG Jayapura & Wayame Vega 3 & Grounding System
9 ISOIL ISOIL PD Meter size 4 Inch at DPPU Pulau Layang Pertamina DPPU Pulau Layang, Palembang PD Meter 4 inch
10 ISOIL ISOIL PD Meter for Pemulihan infrastruktur TBBM Donggala Pasca Tsunami Pertamina MOR VII Makassar 10 unit PD Meter ISOIL size
11 ISOIL ISOIL Batch Control Unit, DCV & Grounding System for Pertamina LPG Dumai Pertamina LPG Dumai Vega 3 , Grounding System & DCV ISOIL
12 ISOIL ISOIL Batch Control Unit, DCV & Grounding System for Pertamina LPG Balongan Pertamina LPG Balongan Vega 3 , Grounding System & DCV ISOIL
13 ISOIL ISOIL PD Meter size 8 Inch Digital Pertamina Surabaya PD Meter ISOIL size 8 Inch Digital
14 ISOIL Additive Injection System for Dexlite Pertamina MOR III Additive Injection Systems for Dexlite
15 ISOIL ISOIL Batch Control Unit for Pertamina LPG Belawan Pertamina Medan Vega 3 & DCV ISOIL
16 ISOIL ISOIL PD Meter for Truck Loading at Pertamina TBBM Gunung Sitoli Pertamina MOR I Medan PD Meter ISOIL size 3 Inch Digital
17 ISOIL ISOIL PD Meter 3 Inch PT. Permata Hijau Group PD Meter ISOIL size 3 inch Mechanic
18 ISOIL ISOIL PD Meter for back loading bungker di TBBM Manggis Pertamina Surabaya PD Meter ISOIL size 6 Inch Mechanic
19 ISOIL PD Meter 3 Inch Mechanic Pertamina MOR Papua PD Meter ISOIL size 3 inch Mechanic
20 ISOIL PD Meter ISOIL size 3 inch Pertamina MOR I Medan PD Meter ISOIL size 3 inch
21 ISOIL Batch Control Unit Vega 3 for Sambu Expansion Project Vopak Sambu II BCU (Vega 2 &Vega 3) with Intrument Mounting Frame and ISOIL Badge Reader
22 ISOIL PD Meter ISOIL size 3 inch Pertamina MOR I Medan PD Meter ISOIL size 3 inch
23 ISOIL Master Meter size 4 inch Wilmar Medan Master Meter ISOIL size 4 inch
24 ISOIL DCV ISOIL size 4 & 2 inch Pertamina Surabaya DCV size 2 & 4 inch
25 ISOIL ISOIL PD Meter 3 inch Pertamina Balikpapan ISOIL PD Meter 3 inch type Mechanik
26 ISOIL PD meter size 3 inch PT. Pertamina MOR II Palembang PD Meter size 3 inch 2 unit type Digital
27 ISOIL PD Meter size 6 inch & 3 inch type Digital PT. Sungai Budi Lampung PD Meter ISOIL digital for FAME size 6 & 3 inch
28 ISOIL PD Meter size 3 inch & Portable Skid size 4 inch PT. Pertamina MOR I Medan PD Meter ISOIL 12 unit for TBBM at Pertamina MOR I Medan
29 ISOIL PD Meter for Pertamina Adisucipto PT. Pertamina Semarang Supply ISOIL 1 unit PD Meter ISOIL Digital
30 ISOIL ISOIL SMB 75 Wilmar Bioenergi Indonesia, PT Supply ISOIL 3 unit PD Meter ISOIL type SBM 75
31 ISOIL ISOIL Master Meter ISOIL size 3 Inch Pertamina Makassar Supply ISOIL 13 unit PD Meter Digital size 3 inch
32 ISOIL ISOIL PD Meter ISOIL Digital 3 inch Pertamina Makassar Supply ISOIL 10 unit PD Meter Digital size 3 inch
33 ISOIL ISOIL Master Meter ISOIL size 3 Inch Pertamina Makassar Supply ISOIL 7 unit PD Meter Digital size 3 inch
34 ISOIL ISOIL PD Meter ISOIL Digital 4 Inch Pertamina Makassar Supply ISOIL 1 unit PD Meter Digital size 4 inch
35 ISOIL ISOIL PD Meter ISOIL Digital 3 inch Pertamina Makassar Supply ISOIL 10 unit PD Meter Digital size 3 inch
36 ISOIL ISOIL PD Meter ISOIL mechanic 3 inch PT. Pertamina Papua Supply ISOIL 4 unit PD Meter mechanic
37 ISOIL ISOIL PD Meter ISOIL Mechanic 3 inch PT. Pertamina Papua Supply ISOIL 10 unit PD Meter mechanic
38 ISOIL ISOIL PD Meter ISOIL Digital 3 inch PT. Pertamina Makassar Supply ISOIL 1 unit PD Meter ISOIL size 3 inch type Digital
39 ISOIL ISOIL PD Meter ISOIL for FAME PT. Permata Hijau Group Supply ISOIL 2 unit PD Meter ISOIL size 3 inch type mechanic
40 ISOIL ISOIL PD Meter ISOIL and Loading Arm PT. Pertamina Medan PD meter ISOIL type BM 200 size 3 inct + Loading Arm
41 ISOIL ISOIL SMB 75 PT. Gemilang Sukses Khatulistiwa PD meter ISOIL type SBM 75 size 2 inch
42 ISOIL ISOIL PD Meter for Loading Bay Wilmar PT. Wilmar Gresik 1. PD Meter ISOIL type BMV 400 incude Grounding unit 2. PD Meter ISOIL type BMV 200 incude Grounding unit
43 ISOIL ISOIL Spare Part for Pertmina Balongan PT. Pertamina (Persero) TBBM Balongan Spare Part Selenoid Valve and Vega II
44 ISOIL ISOIL Spare Part VEGA II for Pertamina TBBM Tasikmalaya PT. Pertamina (Persero) TBBM Tasikmalaya Spare Part Vega II dan Valve
45 ISOIL ISOIL P.D Flowmeter ISOIL BM 200 PT. Pertamina (Persero) Terminal BBM Tarakan 2 unit PD Meter ISOIL size 3 inch type mechanic
46 ISOIL ISOIL P.D Flowmeter ISOIL BM 200 PT. Pertamina (Persero) Terminal BBM Teluk Kabung, Padang Supply ISOIL 1 unit PD Meter ISOIL size 3 inch type Digital
47 ISOIL ISOIL P.D Flowmeter ISOIL BM 200 Mechanic for replacement at PT Pertamina Lubricant PT. Pertamina Lubricants - Production Unit Cilacap 16 Unit PD Meter ISOIL size 3 inch mechanic
48 ISOIL ISOIL P.D Flowmeter ISOIL BM 400 size 4 inch Digital PT. Pertamina (Persero) Terminal BBM Surabaya Supply ISOIL 1 unit PD Meter ISOIL size 4 inch type Digital
49 ISOIL ISOIL P.D Flowmeter ISOIL BM 200 Mechanic & BM 400 Mechanic PT. Pertamina (Persero) Terminal BBM Sorong (Papua) 2 unit (4 inch) 4 unit (3 inch)
50 ISOIL ISOIL P.D Flowmeter ISOIL BM 200 size 3 Inch PT. Pertamina (Persero) Makassar Supply ISOIL 1 unit PD Meter ISOIL size 3 inch type Digital
51 ISOIL ISOIL P.D Flowmeter ISOIL BM 200 size 3 Inch PT. Pertamina (Persero) Makassar Supply ISOIL 1 unit PD Meter ISOIL size 3 inch type Digital
52 ISOIL ISOIL P.D Flowmeter ISOIL BM 200 size 3 Inch PT. Pertamina (Persero) Makassar 1 unit PD Meter ISOIL for Pertamina TBBM Padang
53 ISOIL Supply ISOIL 27EN1025 Preassembled Vega II Encoder PT. Pertamina TBBM Labuan Deli Medan Supply ISOIL 27EN1025 Preassembled Vega II Encoder
54 ISOIL Isoil Compact Strainer SFDA400A2A0A Petro Andalan Nusantara, PT Supply ISOIL Isoil Compact Strainer SFDA400A2A0A
55 ISOIL ISOIL PD Meter BM200, Pulse Emitter EM6422, Vega II Electronic Counter Pertamina (Persero) Makassar, PT Supply ISOIL PD Meter BM200, Pulse Emitter EM6422
56 ISOIL ISOIL PD Meter SBM 150 3 inc. With Pulse Emitter Agincourt Resources, PT PD Meter SBM 150 3 inc. With Pulse Emitter
57 ISOIL ISOIL Spare Part for Pertamina TBBM Balongan Pertamina (Persero) TBBM Balongan 1. VDC Filter board for Vega II; 2. Display board vega II
58 ISOIL Service FM Isoil BM 200 and Replacement Spare Part BM200 PT. Wilmar Bioenergi Indonesia Jasa service, lever + rod kit, plate, assembling+screw+rods+washer
59 ISOIL ISOIL Basket Strainer 60-Mesh for Isoil SFDA-400 and Power Supply Board AC-DC for Isoil Vega II BM40 PT. Petro Andalan Nusantara 1. Basket Strainer 60-Mesh for Isoil SFDA-400 2. Power Supply Board AC-DC for Isoil Vega II BM400
60 ISOIL ISOIL Flowmeter PD Meter Model SBM-75-CF PT. Petro Andalan Nusantara Isoil Flowmeter PD Meter Model SBM-75-CF
61 ISOIL ISOIL Preset Counter PRS 5 PT. Petro Andalan Nusantara Preset Counter PRS 5
62 ISOIL Recalibration ISOIL BM200 -VegaII di Pontianak PT. Indrabas PulauLaut Mandiri Pekerjaan Rekalibrasi BM200 -VegaII di Pontianak
63 ISOIL Service FM Isoil BM 400 & replacement AC/DC Power Supply Board Vega II PT. Petro Andalan Nusantara Service FM Isoil BM 400 dan Penggantian AC/DC Power Supply Board Vega II
64 ISOIL Isoil Compact Strainer SFDA400A2A0A PT. Petro Andalan Nusantara Isoil Compact Strainer SFDA400A2A0A
65 ISOIL ISOIL P.D Flowmeter & Accesories PT. Cahaya Permata Abadi ISOIL P.D Flowmeter & Accesories 2022
66 ISOIL ISOIL P.D Flowmeter & Accesories PT. Surya Energi Mekanikal ISOIL P.D Flowmeter & Accesories 2022
67 ISOIL ISOIL P.D Flowmeter & Accesories PT. Pertamina Palembang ISOIL P.D Flowmeter & Accesories 2022
68 ISOIL ISOIL SBR Badge Reader, Vega T, MT40 PT. Yokogawa & PT. FISI ISOIL SBR Badge Reader, Vega T, MT40 2022
69 ISOIL ISOIL Strainer Basket PT. Anugerah Jaya Lestarindoprima ISOIL Strainer Basket 2022
70 ISOIL ISOIL P.D Flowmeter 3 inch PT. Energi Unggul Persada & PT. Kalimantan Prima Nusantara ISOIL P.D Flowmeter 3 inch 2022
71 ISOIL ISOIL P.D Flowmeter & Accesories PT. Yokogawa ISOIL P.D Flowmeter & Accesories 2022
72 ISOIL ISOIL P.D Flowmeter & Accessories PT. Cahaya Permata Sakti Abadi ISOIL P.D Flowmeter & Accessories 2023
73 ISOIL ISOIL EM6422 CV Pafindo ISOIL EM6422 2023
74 ISOIL ISOIL Unit 3Inch PT. Anre Kotabaru ISOIL Unit 3Inch 2023
75 ISOIL ISOIL VEGA T, DCV PT. Yokogawa & Tokyo Keiso ISOIL VEGA T, DCV 2023
76 ISOIL ISOIL P.D Flowmeter & Accessories PT. Cendana Catur Megah ISOIL P.D Flowmeter & Accessories 2023
77 ISOIL ISOIL P.D Flowmeter & Accessories PT. Jagra (Jaki Bitung) ISOIL P.D Flowmeter & Accessories 2023
78 ISOIL ISOIL Pulse EM6422 PT Andika Widya Pratama ISOIL Pulse EM6422 2023
79 ISOIL ISOIL BCU Vega T PT. Ultra Delta Maju ISOIL BCU Vega T 2023
80 ISOIL ISOIL P.D Flowmeter & Accessories PT. Nursejati Andhika ISOIL P.D Flowmeter & Accessories 2023
81 ISOIL ISOIL P.D Flowmeter & Accessories PT. Yokogawa Indonesia ISOIL P.D Flowmeter & Accessories 2023
82 ISOIL ISOIL P.D Flowmeter & Accessories PT. Anta Jaya Utama ISOIL P.D Flowmeter & Accessories 2023
83 ISOIL ISOIL Strainer SDFA CV. Karya Niaga ISOIL Strainer SDFA 2023
84 ISOIL ISOIL SBR Badge Reader PT. Yokogawa Indonesia ISOIL SBR Badge Reader 2024
86 ISOIL ISOIL Basket strainer 40 PT. Permata Hijau Group ISOIL Basket strainer 40 2024
87 ISOIL ISOIL VEGA 3, MT40 PT. Yokogawa Indonesia ISOIL VEGA 3, MT40 2024
88 ISOIL ISOIL Vega T, P.D Flowmeter PT. Nursejati Vega T, P.D Flowmeter di Sampit 2024
89 ISOIL ISOIL P.D Flowmeter 3 inch, P.D Flowmeter 4 inch PT. Cahaya Permata Sakti Abadi ISOIL P.D Flowmeter 3 inch, P.D Flowmeter 4 inch 2024
90 ISOIL ISOIL Pulse PT Andika ISOIL Pulse di Balikpapan 2024
91 ISOIL ISOIL P.D Flowmeter 3 inch, MM 3 inch PT. Yokogawa Indonesia ISOIL P.D Flowmeter 3 inch, MM 3 inch 2024
92 ISOIL ISOIL Vega T PT. Vopak ISOIL Vega T pada Terminal Merak 2024
93 ISOIL ISOIL P.D Flowmeter Mekanik 4inch & Vega T, DCV PT. Ultra Delta Maju & CV. Bhineka Tunggal ISOIL P.D Flowmeter Mekanik 4inch & Vega T, DCV 2024
94 ISOIL ISOIL P.D Flowmeter 4 inch Digital PT. Cendana Catur Megah ISOIL P.D Flowmeter 4 inch Digital 2024
95 ISOIL Replacement BCU & DCV at OPSICO PT. Opsico Batch Control Unit VEGA 3 & DCV 3 Inch for PT. OPSICO
96 ISOIL ISOIL PD Meter 3 Inch Pertamina TBBM Sintang PT. Cahaya Permata Sakti Abadi
97 ISOIL ISOIL PD Meter 3 Inch PT. Wilmar ISOIL PD Meter 3 inch Wilmar Medan
98 ISOIL ISOIL PD Meter 3 Inch & ISOIL PD Meter 4 Inch PT. Pertamina MOR II Palembang PT. Surya Energi Mekanikal Palembang
99 ISOIL Spare Part PD Meter PT. Permata Hijau Group Spare Part PD Meter PHG Dumai
100 ISOIL Encoder EM6422 PT. Pertamina MOR VII Makassar PT. Pertamina TBBM Gorontalo
101 ISOIL Encoder EM6422 PT. Pertamina MOR VII Makassar PT. Pertamina TBBM Donggala
102 ISOIL Spare Part PD Meter PT. Pertamina MOR VIII Papua PT. Pertamina TBBM Merauke
103 ISOIL Spare Part Batch Control Vega II PT. Pertamina MOR III PT. Pertamina TBBM Tanjung Gerem
104 ISOIL DCV ISOIL size 6 Inch PT. Pertamina MOR VII Makassar PT. Pertamina TBBM Baubau
105 ISOIL ISOIL Grounding System MT-40 Wings Group PT. Eco Prima Energi
106 ISOIL ISOIL Grounding System MT-30 PT.Pertamina PT.Rexaudia with Pertamina Terminal LPG Wayame
107 ISOIL ISOIL Blending Biosolar PT.Musimas PT. Musimas Belawan
108 ISOIL ISOIL Fleximix for Addittive Wilmar Group PT. Wilmar Kuala Tanjung

Contact Us

PT. Deka Teknik Cipta Persada Contacts

Sales & Marketing :


Head Office : Ruko Citra Sawangan Square Block A Nomor 8

Jalan Muchtar

Kel. Bojongsari Lama, Kec. Bojongsari - Kota Depok

Phone : +62 21-29836535

Contact Person :

Deny Kartika


Mobile : +62 811 168 060

ISOIL Impianti SpA, Principal Head office

74, via Madonna delle Rose

24061 Albano S.Alessandro (BG) ITALY

Te.: +39 035 4239.011

Fax: +39 035 582078

Officine Meccaniche Cavourresi, Principal Head office

Via Saluzzo, 78 - 10061 Cavour (TO)


Te.: (+39) 0121 6131

Fax: (+39) 0121 69581